Did you know that, on average, our physical peak occurs at around the age of 27, but for the average person, we don’t really start to feel the decline until we hit somewhere around the 40’s.
Endurance (in terms of physical activity or sport) tends to last a bit longer and peaks somewhere in your mid 30’s.
Those facts are a little sobering given we live, all being well, into our 80’s and should motivate us to stay active and strong right throughout the span of our lives because most of it is lived after the peaks. However, as most people don’t realise this, the motivation is not stimulated until they struggle with the daily activities of living.
It takes less exercise than you might think to make a noticeable, positive difference to your functional capacity and independence. And the exercises don’t have to be hard or scary.
Strength can be regained, balance can be improved and your ability to walk and the confidence to do so can be won back. The longer you leave it the more of your independence you give up.
You don’t need to join a gym. You can do this at home or in a group. Whichever you are more comfortable with.
Contact us to find out more.